Department of Biostatistics at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine ensure a plan, enforcement, the data reliability in a clinical research.

Department of Biostatistics, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine


Lecture summary

Lecture for graduate students

【Lecture A】

1) Clinical trial protocol, Endpoints, Statistical hypothesis testing, Randomization
2) Sample size, Analysis sets, Interim analysis, Subgroup analysis
3) Study design of the observational study

【Lecture B】

1) The basics of statistic inference, The basics of statistical method
2) Prognostic factor analysis, Construction of prognostic indicators, Evaluation of surrogate endpoints
3) Meta-Analysis, Health Outcome Research

【Seminar: Kamogawa Statistical Conference】

【Special lecture】

''Communicating statistics about cancer''
Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter FRS OBE
Chair of the Winton Centre for Risk & Evidence Communication, University of Cambridge
Sep.9, 2019, 16:30-17:30 at Conference room 6

Overview: Sir Spiegelhalter, former president of the Royal Statistical Society and professor at Cambridge University, MRC (Medical Research Council) biostatistics unit, especially Bayesian clinical trial methodology Is a world-renowned biostatistician who studied and practiced. Currently, he is working on research and public relations on a methodology for conveying quantitative assessments of risks. A lecture was given on a case study of Gilis's approach to prostate cancer. Communicating statistics about cancer


Lecture for undergraduate students

(3th grade) Biostatistics
(5th grade) medical statistics

Graduate School of Health and Nursing (Doctoral Course)

【Statistical Methodology Special Lecture】

The goal of the research plan is to be able to create an outline of the research plan after understanding the methodology of clinical research (clinical trials and observational research). As a method of statistical analysis, the goal is to be able to perform statistical analysis corresponding to the study design and data after properly understanding the data summarization and visualization method and statistical methods.